01273 437 025 info@dafconsulting.co.uk


The re-inspection survey is a key part in managing asbestos and complying with Regulation 4 of The Control of Asbestos Regulations. The plan for managing the risk must include adequate measures for –

  • monitoring the condition of any asbestos or any substance containing or suspected of containing asbestos;
  • ensuring any asbestos or any such substance is properly maintained or where necessary safely removed; and
  • ensuring that information about the location and condition of any asbestos or any such substance is:

(i) provided to every person liable to disturb it, and
(ii) made available to the emergency services.


  • The survey will only include an assessment of the condition of previously identified asbestos containing materials
  • Areas not accessed on a previous Management Survey should be included in the scope
  • This type of survey will not usually include sampling
  • The survey must include a risk assessment